#109 3600 Townline Road,
Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W8(604)855-1886
#2-45844 Yale Road,
Chilliwack, BC V2P 2N8(604)792-9981
We have two locations to serve you:
The Apollo Clinic — #109-3600 Townline Rd, Abbotsford BC (Inside the Summit Center building)
The Apollo Clinic Chilliwack — #2-45844 Yale Rd, Chilliwack, BC V2P 2N8 (On Yale Road at the front of the FreshCo parking lot)
Yes, often we have openings for chiropractic and physiotherapy. Call the clinic for the most up to date schedule offerings.
Yes, we have physiotherapists who have completed their IMS certification.This is also often referred to, or known as, “dry needling.” There is no extra charge associated with this type of treatment.
Yes! We are able to direct bill to most Extended Health Benefits plans, including:
Pacific Blue Cross
Green Shield
Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance
Sun Life Financial
Medavie Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Desjardins Insurance
Great West Life
Industrial Alliance
Johnson Inc.
Manulife Financial
Maximum Benefit
Standard Life
Veterans Affairs Canada
Yes, our Occupational therapists’ work with all ages and abilities. Our therapists offer one FREE 15 minute phone consultation to determine if our services can meet your needs.
Yes! We are able to offer video conferencing and phone appointments for clinical counselling, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, kinesiology and chiropractic care. We are able to direct bill most major insurance companies including ICBC for this type of appointment.